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29 October 2022 - HaLLowOnK 14

Join uS In ouR seCret HauNted CaStle loCation foR ouR 13th BiRthday paRty 🎉🎂🎁 


loVely spaRkly people, a hand builT 10K souNd sYstem ‘Sirius Sound System’ aNd the beSt houSe, disco, fuNk aNd techno fRom WoNk DJs pLus gUests TBA.


🎃        HaLLOween fancy dreSS- priZe for the best outfit ❤

🍹        BaR wiTh sPecial haLLOween coCktails  and fooD available

🎟    LiMited eDition handmade tiCkets with artwork by @cindy aVailable fRom the team

TiCkets are 40e before 1st October,  50e after,  includes transport to and from Barcelona. Bus leaVes BCN at 4pm on 29 OctoBer, and reTurns at 4am ❤

Love is the answer <3 Tell oNly the nicest people you knoW <3

MeSSage +34629567602 foR more info or for handmade tickets

See yoU on the DanCefloor!

PeACe, loVe, wOnK ❤

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